The „the”  1717

USE „the”  as a definite article, a determiner

When you  talk about a particular thing or person.

            The audience cheered and clapped. The janitor opened the door

When used before nouns referring to action when they are followed by „of”

            ...the growth of the steel industry

To make it clear which thing or person you  mean

            She laughed at the birthday card. We talked to the guard

Before a plural family name, when you  refer to all members of the family

            The Johnsons did not come to the party.

Referring to something that everyone knows

            What was the weather like? The traffic was terrible.

Before a single noun referring to an istitution, system, shop

            I heard in on the radio

Referring to a part of the body

            He was wounded in the kne.

Before an adjective, to make it a plural noun

            A school for the deaf. Wars between the French and the English

Before an adjective to make it into a noun referring to a particular situation

            Fantasy movies that the unreal seem real

Before a singular noun when referring to a particular type of thing

            The computer changed everyone’s life.  ...complicated dances like the tango

Referring to particulat time period

            Fashions of  the 60s.     In the thirties....

Enough of something for a particular purpose

            I haven’t the time to talk just now.

To say which type of musical instrument someone plays

            He plays the violin

Referring to a sport or sport event

            Who won the long jump?

Before a word describing describing someone angry jelous or surprised

            He’s stolen my parking place the bastard!  She is going to Hawaii the lucky devil

To emphasize a place or name. It is emphasized in speech and written with emphasis

            Is she THE Elisabeth Taylor?  Miami is THE place for single girls.

Before the names of certain common illnesses

            If one of the children got the measles, we all got the measles


The Used as an adverb

Before comparative adjective or adverb to show that the degree of one event or situation is related to a degree to the other

            The more he eats the fatter he gets.

Before an adjective or adverb to emphasize that something is bigger

            He likes you  the best. I had the worst headache yesterday


DO NOT USE  „the”
With uncountable or plural nouns when talking about the type of thing rather than specific

We drank tee and ate sandwiches.  BUT He drunk the tea, but did not eat his sandwich

With the name of a language

            He understands Hungarian well

With words for institutions school, prison church when talking about it in general terms

            His son is at school.  Do yo  go to church?

With times, days,months, seasons, esp. after at, by, on, or before „last” meaning „the one before this

            At midnight,... on Tuesday,... in May, ...I saw her last week

With a date when you  write it

            His birthday is July 29th.   BUT IN SPEECH      July the 29th

With name of a meal

            Have you  had breakfast?  Come around after dinner

Wth the name of a place street, town, country

            This is Downing Street.   We flew to Boston.

            BUT some countries, places have „the” as part of their name

            ...the Bronx,  the Rockies, the Atlantic


BUT you  CAN use „the”

When you are talking about something specific, that the listener already knows about

            We ate the sandwiches (that you  made yesterday)

When talking about specific institutions

            The church on corner ,  They go to the school in the village

With days or  seasons when you  give more information about which specific one you  mean

            I fly home on the Tuesday before Christmas

With nationalty words to mean „the people of a country”

            She loves the French (ie the French people)

To make an adjective into a noun referring to a group for the disadvantaged  (ie people who are disadvantaged)